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Here's How Independent Schools Foster a Personalized Learning Environment

Personalized learning (often called individualized learning) is one of the best ways students can receive the support they need to grow and thrive in school. In this article we will break down four ways independent schools really do foster a personalized learning environment without sacrificing academic rigor, quality of instruction or student interaction. 

Teaching with Relevance

When students have more face-to-face time with their teachers, it allows them to receive support and instruction at a targeted, relevant level. This means that students who may need extra support, are getting the individualized time and attention they need to be successful. 

These teacher to student interactions typically occur at a one-to-one level. It’s during these moments that teachers can (and do!) take note of students’ learning behaviors and create a personalized approach for their success. Having teachers seek out time to spend one-on-one with students is one of the best ways to support students who may need more individualized attention when it comes to their learning. The

Collaboration & Meaning 

One of the best ways to prioritize personalized learning is to have students work together. This could look like group work, brainstorm sessions, or even asking each other for help and support. Not only is working together in class good for students’ academic success, but their social life as well. 

When students are encouraged to spend time working together, they will be more motivated to collaborate with their peers in the future. This collaboration also creates strong classmate relationships and can aid in their future academic success. When students have the opportunity to create their own meaning, and share those meanings with others, their memory for the concept is going to be better, and their understanding of the materials will be stronger and more useful. 

Make it Innovative

Flexibility is often an overlooked element when it comes to developing a personalized learning plan for your student. For students to be successful in their learning, they need to believe that they can and will achieve their goals. For some students, rigid daily structures will lead to overwhelm and anxiety, while others will thrive by routine. 

It’s important for schools developing personalized learning structures to realize that students’ approach learning in various ways and often need a flexible path to success. In essence, what works for one student, won’t work for another - and that’s okay!

One of the many benefits of an independent school classroom is that the teachers have the freedom to develop new methods for teaching the tried and true. If a student, or the class as a whole, needs to approach a concept in a different way, private school teachers often have more flexibility and leeway to think of updated ways to reach the students. The teachable moments that come from innovative and adaptable approaches, “hook” the students as they know the teachers care, and students engage in their learning all the more! 

Give your Student Agency!

Although personalized learning approaches vary from student to student, it’s important to implement a goal-setting structure for your student. Don’t forget to involve your student in the goal setting too! When they have the freedom of choice over goals they feel excited about, they are more likely to take the steps to reach it! When given choices about goals and how to achieve them, students learn the value of determination, ambition, and how to set reasonable goals in the future. 

When you need a partner to aid you in determining the best fit for your student and different approaches to individualized learning, we’re here to help!