Our Foolproof Framework for School Interviews

Our Foolproof Framework for School Interviews

School interviews are a perfect chance for students to get a feel for the school they're eyeing – it's all about finding that perfect fit! In our latest article, we've crafted a handy interview framework that'll banish any jitters your student may have about meeting with an admissions director. Let’s say goodbye to interview anxiety and hello to calm, cool and collected!

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Independent Schools & Consultants vs. Agents
Laurie Bird Laurie Bird

Independent Schools & Consultants vs. Agents

Navigating the independent school process can be quite perplexing! When you introduce partners into the mix, it can get overwhelmingly complex, leaving you wondering what it all means for you and your family. And, most importantly, is an independent school being transparent or not?

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Embracing Your True Self: Navigating Independent School Admissions with Authenticity

Embracing Your True Self: Navigating Independent School Admissions with Authenticity

If you’re a parent beginning to think about exploring private schools for your student this coming school year, this article is for you!

We’re sharing insight into how to be true to you and your student during this process which is what schools will admire most.

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Beyond the Norm: Unconventional Motivations for Choosing Private Schools 

Beyond the Norm: Unconventional Motivations for Choosing Private Schools 

Parents face a plethora of decisions when it comes to choosing the right education for their child. Between public school and private school, the options are endless. In this article, we will explore some of the unique reasons some families consider an independent school education and why it might be a good fit for you and your student.

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The True Value of Educational Consulting
Private Schools, Boarding Schools Laurie Bird Private Schools, Boarding Schools Laurie Bird

The True Value of Educational Consulting

In today's world, some paths require more than just a quick fix and at times, speed is indeed imperative. Educational consultants face a delicate balance between efficiency and proving their value to clients seeking a more intricate process. Every challenge, success, and partnership adds to our arsenal of wisdom, ensuring the most empowering journey for your family.

Our latest article sheds light on the hidden gems that lie within an educational consultant's wealth of experience.

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To Assess or Not to Assess: Unraveling the ADHD Evaluation Puzzle
Student Success, Evaluations Laurie Bird Student Success, Evaluations Laurie Bird

To Assess or Not to Assess: Unraveling the ADHD Evaluation Puzzle

Wondering if a comprehensive assessment is necessary for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Dive into our latest article that decodes the evaluation dilemma!

Discover when and why a neuropsychological evaluation may be crucial in understanding the unique challenges faced by students with ADHD.

Gain insights on differential diagnosis, tailored treatment planning, educational support, self-awareness, and advocacy.

Join the discussion and share your experiences! Let's unravel the evaluation puzzle together!

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The Joy of Summer Reading Lists….for Parents & Adults!
Student Success Laurie Bird Student Success Laurie Bird

The Joy of Summer Reading Lists….for Parents & Adults!

It’s one of our favorite times of year, Summer! Summer reading lists have always been a part of our summers, and we’re guessing they capture the hearts and imaginations of countless others too. It's no wonder they bring such joy and excitement. There's magic that happens!

Check out the list we’ve put together for all you adults and parents out there!

What are you reading this summer? We’d love to hear your suggestions to add to our list!

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The Benefits of Starting with an Educational Consultant Over the Summer
Boarding Schools, Student Success Laurie Bird Boarding Schools, Student Success Laurie Bird

The Benefits of Starting with an Educational Consultant Over the Summer

Summer is a great time to kickstart your student’s private school journey.

Why wait for the fall? From developing important skills to understanding you and your family’s goals, we’ve put together several ways an Educational Consultant can help your student get ahead on exploring private school this summer, rather than waiting for the fall.

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The Power of Giving Back: Aligning Summer Volunteer Work with Your Application & Values!

The Power of Giving Back: Aligning Summer Volunteer Work with Your Application & Values!

What are your student’s summer plans?

If you think your student will be applying to boarding school in the fall, now’s the time to consider summer volunteer opportunities to support their application.

Here’s why private schools value volunteer experiences and ideas on where your student can look to find an opportunity they’re excited about!

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Letting Go with Love: Embracing Transitions!

Letting Go with Love: Embracing Transitions!

Graduations and new beginnings bring a mix of emotions for parents and children alike. Join us as we explore the beauty of letting go with love in our latest article!

Discover how acknowledging achievements, trusting the journey, and providing unwavering support can empower our children to embrace new educational adventures with confidence. It's an opportunity for growth for both them and us as parents.

Drawing inspiration from the beloved Winnie the Pooh, we'll delve into the profound wisdom that reminds us of the bravery, strength, and love our children possess.

Whether your child is graduating or transitioning to a new school, this article is a must-read for every parent seeking guidance on navigating the bittersweet moments of letting go.

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